Convince the boss

Heya friends - sharing a new resource I put together:

Convince the boss (PDF)

It’s a one-pager with manager-focused copy, to help your boss get a (quick and easy) summary of why they should buy Ethics Litmus Tests for your team.

I’m keen to see companies investing in the process and culture of responsible technology. I hope that in the not-so-distant future this sort of resource will be easy to nominate as part of your training and professional learning budget.

Oh - and I just coined a new term, mitigation engineering (short for harm mitigation engineering), which I reckon is pretty natty, but I’d be keen to hear what you think!

While I’ve written this resource for corporate teams, I know that people are also using litmus tests at schools and universities. I’ll write a version geared towards academic or teaching managers, if I get any feedback that indicates this would be useful - feel free to contact me directly at laura @ debias dot ai



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